General Information

During the year 2000 D J Clark built a visual record of the Lancaster & Morecambe district using photographs and information submitted by those that feature in the pictures. The project was conducted in association with Lancaster Museum and has been archived for future generations to look back at the district at the turn of the new Millennium. For more information on the project visit the information page. If you find a caption is wrong or there is a fault with the page please e-mail D J Clark.

Date: May 28th 2000
Location: Hornby

Photographer's Diary

Sunday 28th May

Hornby Castle

This was a case of one event becoming five. It started at Hornby, where the Castle was to open it's doors for the first time to the public in many years as part of a charity garden event. I had always wanted to photograph the Castle but had always had to settle for the long shot from outside the gates.

It opened at 2 PM and the sun shone all morning. With another poor forecast I was waiting for the heavens to open. We drove through wet streets but never actually saw the rain. Arriving at the castle the crowds were already starting to make their way up the long drive.

I followed thinking the weather would break any second. At first glimpse of the castle I shot a few frames and then settled down to a gentler stroll around the grounds shooting views I was unlikely to see again in my lifetime.

The other images were taken during various visits to Hornby during the year, including August Bank Holiday Monday when the huntsman was captured.
