General Information

During the year 2000 D J Clark built a visual record of the Lancaster & Morecambe district using photographs and information submitted by those that feature in the pictures. The project was conducted in association with Lancaster Museum and has been archived for future generations to look back at the district at the turn of the new Millennium. For more information on the project visit the information page. If you find a caption is wrong or there is a fault with the page please e-mail D J Clark.

Photographer's Comments

16th December 2000

These pictures were taken partly on my way through to Sunderland Point on various trips and during a trip to Overton to photograph the moving of sheep. I had been told the sheep moving would make a good picture and was promised a phone call next time they were due. Finally it came and I made my way to the farm to take the pictures. It was all over very quickly but did make an interesting set of images. The farmer in the pictures is Henry Birkett.
