General Information
During the year 2000 D J Clark built a visual record of the Lancaster &
Morecambe district using photographs and information submitted by those that
feature in the pictures. The project was conducted in association with Lancaster
Museum and has been archived for future generations to look back at the district
at the turn of the new Millennium. For more information on the project visit
the information page. If you find a caption is
wrong or there is a fault with the page please e-mail D
J Clark.
December 17th, 2000
Location: Abbeystead
Photographer's Diary
Sunday 17th December - Abbeystead Nativity Play
Driving to work one day my mobile rang and it was Robert Coleman. He wanted
to tell me about the real life nativity play at Abbeystead. They had tried it
some years back and decided the year 2000 was a fitting time for a repeat performance.
With all the props to hand, a stable was used with real sheep, genuine costumes,
wisemen arriving on horse back and a real baby Jesus.
I was on time but it took a while to get going. I moved around amongst friends
and took the pictures everyone expected. The only picture I missed was the Bishop
of Lancaster falling from grace as he rolled off the horse he arrived on. The
service went on for about an hour and everyone seemed to enjoy it. One pessimist
whispered to me, "there was a lot more people here last time, probably
the United- Liverpool game".
I had a slightly embarrassing conversation with John Drinkhall. He was obviously
not too happy with some of the pictures on the website. "About half and
half" was his description. Anyway, as is the way with these parts he did
not hold it against me. I left happy with the pictures and thankful the rain
had stayed off, it was cold enough without water. I returned home to watch Rovers
beat Burnley 2-0.