Hong Kong 180
The imagined geography of Hong Kong is of skyscrapers, neon streets and glitzy asian malls. The reality is a mix of sea, mountains, jungle and wetlands with a metropolis sandwiched in between. 25 years after the British handed the region back to China this panorama series takes a snapshot. Take a walkthrough the virtual gallery and buy NFTs and Prints here.
Shipping’s Dirty Secrets

At China Daily Asia DJ has lead a team working on numerous projects and shows for online. Shipping’s Dirty Secrets, a red letter project for Asia Weekly, is one team project example that went on to win the Asia Environmental Journalism prize. See the project here.
Sangharsa – Stories of Women’s Struggles
Over the past 25 years DJ has been involved in numerous NGO campaigns and projects. This recent interactive book from rural Nepal tells the stories of nine women who have broken the cycle of poverty, conflict, and oppression by taking matters into their own hands, starting their own enterprises and working their way to a brighter future.
The project was commissioned by AusAid working with UNDP and was shot, designed, edited by DJ working with Loonibha Tuladhar and Pramod Karki.
Download the free iBook …HERE
In A City – Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh
Since 2005 DJ has run regular workshops and projects for the British Council around the world. This project took inspiration from James Joyce’s “Dubliners”, between November 2008 and March 2009, under the curatorship of D J Clark six teams of writers and photographers each took a physical space or community within Hanoi and set out -using words, photographs, video and sound- to tell the everyday stories of the people they encountered.
Between August and October 2010, DJ returned to Vietnam this time working with three teams of writers and photographers in Ho Chi Minh City. The projects were funded by the British Council and led to a physical book, exhibitions in both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh and the iBooks.
Download the free iBook from Hanoi …HERE
Download the free iBook from Ho Chi Minh …HERE